News at the IFS
LEO study published – IFS points out relevance of reading promotion
Results of the Level-One Study (LEO, Hamburg University) show that a large amount of adults in Germany has only poor reading and writing skills. In…
Norbert Sendzik successfully defends dissertation
Norbert Sendzik, former research fellow in the working group of Professor Bos, successfully defended his doctoral thesis in the field of educational…
Introducing Project COLD
Since April 2019, team Lauermann is cooperation partner in the joint project “Competencies of school teachers and adult educators in teaching German…
Professor Fanny Lauermann starts at the IFS
Ms Fani Lauermann, Ph. D. Professor of Empirical Educational Research, has started at the IFS in April. In her research, she focuses on educational…
Dr. Aileen Edele accepts call for professorship at the IFS
Ms Dr. Aileen Edele (until recently IQB at the Humboldt University in Berlin) has accepted the call for a professorship for Empirical Educational…
IFS lecture series "empirical educational research in the Ruhr metropolitan region"
In the 2019 summer semester, the IFS lecture series, organized by the McElvany working group, is dedicated to "empirical educational research in the…
PIRLS 2021 started
In March, the fifth cycle of the Progress in International Reading Study (short: PIRLS/IGLU) started. A scientific consortium led by Professor Nele…
Prof. Dr. Wilfried Bos retired
Wilfried Bos influenced the Empirical Educational Research and the IFS substantially with his interdisciplinary and international studies as well as…
IFS presents recent research at the annual GEBF conference in Cologne
Under the heading of „Lehren und Lernen in Bildungsinstitutionen“ IFS-members present results on i.a. Digitalization in Schools, Teacher…
Ramona Lorenz on public radio ( Deutschlandfunk)
The forthcoming DigitalPact will provide capital spending s for digitisation in schools. As guest in the program “Campus & Karriere” on…
3rd Dortmund Science Conference - The Scientific Competence Field School and Education Research introduces itself
The Scientific Competence Field (WKF) school and educational research represented by the Institute for School Development Research will be presenting…
Nele McElvany invited to expert discussion on literacy and basic education in NRW
At the invitation of the Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia, Klaus Kaiser, MdL, Professor…