News at the IFS
New journal article in Journal of Educational Psychology published
The study examined short-term changes in students’ academic motivations during their first semester in math-intensive study programs, which are often…

5th IFS Education Dialogue on School Interventions

New journal article in Social Psychology of Education published
![Social Psychology of Education [Translate to English:]](/storages/ifs-ep/_processed_/4/a/csm_Social_Psychology_291375a97b.jpg)
IFS to present results at PAEPSY 2021

Daria Benden receives EARLI SIG8 Student Research Excellence Award

Findings from research project ST² presented at CDME
![[Translate to English:] [Translate to English:]](/storages/ifs-ep/_processed_/c/1/csm_ST2_transparenter_HG_e1cadef7fd.png)
IFS participates in EARLI 2021

New journal article in Unterrichtswissenschaft published
The study examined whether 4th grade students’ perception of motivational support in mathematics instruction was related to intrinsic motivation and…

PIRLS 2021: Almost 400 elementary schools participated

Conclusion of IFS lecture series with Dr. Markus Tausendpfund

IFS lecture series with Thomas Krüger, President of bpb

Recognizing individual needs now - Nele McElvany in an interview with Focus Online
The school year is drawing to a close for many students - a school year that was again heavily influenced by Corona. In an interview with Focus…