News at the IFS
Education Day - School performance studies provide indispensable information
PISA report underlines PIRLS results: Strengthening basic skills
IFS Alumni Meeting – Focus on career paths
International exchange on self-regulated learning
Article published in Social Psychology of Education
6th volume of the "IFS Educational Dialogues" series published
IFS on the nationwide reading day at WDR Morgenecho
Together for better education: Tuesdays for Education
Professor Nele McElvany gives input lecture at parliamentary breakfast
Hands-on school research: Open Day on 28.10.2023
Hanna Gaspard represents professorship for empirical educational research in the context of societal heterogeneity
As of November 1, 2020, PD Dr. Hanna Gaspard has taken over the professorship for empirical educational research in the context of societal…