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Fakultät Erziehungswissenschaft, Psychologie und Bildungsforschung
Impressionen und Programm der digitalen Veranstaltungsreihe aus 2022

2. IFS Virtual Keynote Series


Termine Beitragstitel und Referent*in
24. Januar
15:15 – 17:45 Uhr

Innovations for Instructional Design

Designing Advanced Learning Technologies to Capture Multimodal Real-Time Self-Regulated Learning Processes
Prof. Roger Azevedo, PhD (University of Central Florida)

Opportunities for Educational Research Born of a Long-Running Partnership with a Mathematics Learning Platform
Asst. Prof. Teya Rutherford, PhD (University of Delaware)
31. Januar
15:15 – 17:45 Uhr

Interventions that support Students' Academic Success

Promoting Motivation and Performance in Gateway STEM Classes with Value Interventions: Challenges and New Directions
Prof. Judy Harackiewicz, PhD (University of Wisconsin)

What We Learned from 10 Years of Mindset Intervention Research?
Assoc. Prof. David Yeager, PhD (University of Texas)